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Plastic film market huge high-end film will become a new favorite market


Time: 2017-02-17

Zhuo chuang guidance: in recent years, China

Plastic film

The output is increasing year by year


The film has been in a state of structural contradiction between supply and demand. The market of plastic film industry is huge. Although the market scale will grow rapidly in the next few years, enterprises should also pay attention to the r&d output of high-end products.

According to the market research report released by MarketsandMarkets, the global market value of plastic film and plastic sheet will continue to rise in 2018. It is expected that the market will grow at a compound annual growth rate of 4.4% from 2014 to 2018. In the next five years, the compound annual growth rate will increase by 4% : high-tech plastic film is in short supply, and food packaging is the main reference area of plastic film and sheet. Sales of the two products in the food packaging market are expected to grow at a compound annual rate of 5.2 percent from 2013 to 2018.

Geographically, the asia-pacific region will be the market leader in the next five years. China and India will be the two fastest growing countries for plastic film and sheet. In developed countries, the growth of traditional plastic film will slow down, but the demand for special film and high isolation film will be growing.

With the development of the industry, the competition in the plastic film manufacturing industry is becoming increasingly fierce, and the domestic **** plastic film manufacturing enterprises are paying more and more attention to the research on the industry market, especially the in-depth research on the industry development environment and product buyers. It is also because of this, a large number of domestic **** plastic film manufacturing brand rapidly rise, gradually become China and the world plastic film manufacturing industry in the jun yan.


Shijiazhuang yuying new material technology co. LTD/

Changchun yinghan new material technology co. LTD

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