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China's plastic processing industry status and future efforts focus on


Time: 2017-02-17

Abstract: China plastics processing industry must closely around the core "high-end", vigorously develop new sources of growth, the first thing to vigorously develop new products, to speed up the industrial upgrading, the second to vigorously promote industrialization and information fusion depth, accelerate the construction of "Internet +" project, to adapt to the high-end, personalization, small batch private custom market orientation, explore the new way of mass customisation manufacturing, promote a new mode of production and new forms of rapid growth, the new growth point is important measures and future development direction. Must be closely around to improve production efficiency as the core of cultivating new competitive advantages!

Current situation

Under the continuous impact of the global financial crisis and the "new normal" of China's economy, the plastic processing industry is faced with such difficulties as weak market demand, sharply rising labor costs, increasing difficulty in enterprise financing and further strengthening of environmental constraints. In spite of this, the plastic processing industry in 2015 has increased compared with 2014 in terms of output, main business income, profit and tax, profit, export value and other aspects, but the growth rate has declined.

The specific performance is:

(1) downward pressure is increasing and the growth rate continues to slow down. Plastic processing industry "eleventh five-year" growth of 20.1%, is expected to "twelfth five-year" average growth of about 10%;

(2) reduced efficiency and increased difficulties in business operations. At present, the cost of factors of production of enterprises is constantly increasing, resource, environment and energy constraints are comprehensively strengthened, and the profit space of enterprises is greatly compressed. The profit growth rate of the whole industry decreased year by year, from 32.5% in 2011 to 4.24% in 2014. In 2014, the profit rate of main business income was 5.8%, which was basically the same as the loan interest rate of the bank in the same period, and much lower than the actual loan interest rate of the enterprise. This not only caused poor corporate efficiency, but also made the problem of difficult and expensive loans more prominent.

The persistent structural and periodic overcapacity problems have yet to be effectively alleviated. At present, the problem of low-end overcapacity has not been effectively solved. It has exceeded market demand, and the stage overcapacity caused by blind introduction has not been effectively solved, while high-end products still need to be imported in large quantities. For example, the bi-directional stretch industry has not yet resolved the serious overcapacity in ordinary packaging film production, lithium ion battery membrane production capacity is expected to reach 2.3 billion square meters in 2015, greatly exceeding the global demand, and the formation of new overcapacity, and high-end membrane import proportion of 90%, the whole membrane import rate of 70%.

The focus of future efforts

At present, the plastic processing industry is in the critical period of transition from the development and growth stage to the industrial maturity stage, which is the key period of moving towards the high end of the industry. In the future, China's plastic processing industry is accelerating along the development direction of "functionalization, lightweight, ecological and micro-molding".

The 13th five-year plan is an important period for China's plastics processing industry to adjust its structure, change its development mode and promote industrial upgrading. The plastics processing industry faces three main tasks in the 13th five-year plan:

First, we must vigorously implement the innovation-driven strategy and focus on the new engine of innovation. We will focus on adjusting the economic structure and changing the growth model, and focus on improving the quality and efficiency of development.

Second, in the face of high speed and high double goal, must be closely around the core "high-end", vigorously develop new sources of growth, the first thing to vigorously develop new products, to speed up the industrial upgrading, the second to vigorously promote industrialization and information fusion depth, accelerate the construction of "Internet +" project, to adapt to the high-end, personalization, small batch private custom market orientation, explore the new way of mass customisation manufacturing, promote a new mode of production and new forms of rapid growth, the new growth point is important measures and future development direction.

Third, in the face of rising costs of production factors and increasing resource and environmental constraints, in the face of the era of high costs, we must focus on improving production efficiency as the core to cultivate new competitive advantages.

First of all, we should speed up the transformation from extensive growth relying on resource consumption and input to improvement of factor quality and level. We should also speed up the transformation from comparative advantage based on low labor cost to composite competitive advantage based on technology, equipment, talent and research and development. We will speed up the shift from labor-intensive to technology-intensive and capital-intensive production structures, and from the introduction, investment attraction and imitation of enterprises to independent, integrated and intelligent innovation.

Second, we must innovate profit models, cultivate new sources of profit growth, and improve profitability. To change in reducing the cost and reduce fixed costs on the basis of the two traditional profit model to cultivate new profit sources, one is to improve efficiency in the allocation of resources, to plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources, to adapt to the research and development design, "and" new mode, to adapt to the new industrial globalization trends, continuously improve the efficiency of the resource allocation. Second, we should improve the value-added benefits of service modeling and accelerate the transformation from pure production model to both production model and production service model. To accelerate the extension from functional masterbatch to modified functional masterbatch production, we should provide suppliers to solve problems for products and downstream enterprises, and cultivate production service-oriented value-added profit sources. Third, we should strengthen brand building and cultivate the profit sources of brand spillover benefits. At present, the traditional profit model is facing serious challenges. Therefore, it is an important task for the plastics processing industry to innovate profit model, cultivate new profit growth sources and constantly improve profit level.

Third, we must accelerate the improvement of total factor labor productivity. Total factor productivity including labor productivity, resource utilization, energy efficiency, capital utilization, investment ratio, bonuses and other alternative artificial capital, talent, energy capital refers to resources, capital, land, human capital to realize the optimal combination, fine management to reduce the comprehensive cost to obtain more comprehensive benefit. This requires a comprehensive, systematic and comprehensive play to the role of all elements and benefits. The total factor labor productivity contributes 70% to the economy in developed countries, but less than 30% in China. Visible raise productivity of total factor labor to economic contribution rate potential is huge. It is an important way to improve efficiency and foster new competitive advantages to improve the quality and level of factors and the efficiency of resource allocation.


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