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Plastic wood to replace the obvious advantages of plastic template broad prospects


Time: 2017-02-17

As a new type of green building material, the development of plastic template has a strong momentum and broad prospects. In the process of promoting the development of plastic template, we should not only emphasize the environmental protection advantages of "replacing wood with plastic", but also see the performance advantages of "winning wood with plastic".

The general trend is to economize on wood

From 2004 to 2014, China's wood imports increased from 34.769 million m3 to 87.625 million m3, an increase of 152.0%. Imports increased from us $4.18 billion to us $19.86 billion, up by 375.4%. In terms of price, the overall import price of logs and sawn timber in China presents a rising trend. The import unit price of logs in 2014 increased by 115% compared with that in 2004, and the import unit price of sawn timber in 2014 increased by 37% compared with that in 2004. From April 1 this year, northeast, Inner Mongolia state-owned forest area stops felling commodity lumber entirely, mark state-owned forest area turns into the new phase of comprehensive protection from development use, domestic lumber supply quantity will decrease substantially. Timber import is also not optimistic. The annual global trade volume of logs is about 150 million m3. China's log import volume accounts for 1/3, and the volume of sawn timber trade is about 130 million m3, accounting for 1/4 of China.

2 policy red envelope plus industry usher in good

Since the end of last year, the state council has further stepped up infrastructure construction and taken multiple measures to promote investment, achieving remarkable policy results. First, China is continuing to promote a new type of industrialization, it application, urbanization and agricultural modernization. Second, the "One Belt And One Road" strategy, the Yangtze river economic belt construction and the coordinated development strategy of tianjin and hebei will bring long-term development space to the construction industry. Third, the state council approved seven major infrastructure projects, of which the transportation infrastructure investment projects accounted for half of the total investment. According to the statistics and projections of the projects approved by the national development and reform commission and the ministry of communications, the total investment on highways will exceed 1.7 trillion yuan, 800 billion yuan on railways, 988.6 billion yuan on subways and 800 billion yuan on water conservancy facilities in 2015. Fourth, green building is in the ascendant. According to the ministry of finance's "implementation opinions on accelerating the development of green buildings in China", in addition to the central finance, more than 20 provinces and cities have issued fiscal, tax and subsidy policies on green buildings. With the continuous advancement of green building process, plastic template is more and more recognized by construction enterprises.

3. Obvious green features of the industry and broad prospects for development

According to the estimation of China infrastructure materials leasing and contracting association, China's construction investment of 100 million yuan has decreased from 78,500 m3 in 1953 to 0.096 million m3 in 2013, down by 98.8%. Each year, the construction material leasing industry saves more than 17 million cubic meters of substitute wood and reduces carbon emissions by 10.85 million tons. "replacing wood with steel" and "replacing wood with plastic" have played an important role. At present, the annual output of plastic templates is about 15 million square meters, accounting for only 3% of the total number of templates. Under the development trend of green buildings, plastic templates will gradually replace bamboo and wood plywood templates, ushering in a golden period of development.

4. Suggestions for industry development

One is to attach great importance to the quality of plastic template, do not produce substandard products. Enterprises should produce high standard products, highlighting the plastic template both "substitute wood" and "win wood" characteristics. Second, we should maintain reasonable profit margins and avoid price wars. Enterprises should return to rational competition, virtuous cycle, efforts to do research and development, service security and other work. Third, we must act according to our ability, not blindly expand the scale. Avoid unrealistic expansion, so as to avoid the rupture of capital chain and idle waste of assets.


Shijiazhuang yuying new material technology co. LTD/

Changchun yinghan new material technology co. LTD

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