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Plastic industry transformation and upgrading is an inevitable trend


Time: 2017-02-17

Entering the 12th five-year plan, the annual growth rate of the output value of China's plastic processing industry has dropped from 20.1% in the 11th five-year plan period to about 10% in the 12th five-year plan period. There are many objective factors contributing to this situation: the international environment is a drag, but also the domestic economic slowdown. From the perspective of the industry itself, the structural overcapacity caused by the ultra-rapid development has also weakened the sustainable high growth of the industry. About, enter the rational period of moderate development. There are many objective factors contributing to this situation: the international environment is a drag, but also the domestic economic slowdown. From the perspective of the industry itself, the structural overcapacity caused by the ultra-rapid development has also weakened the sustainable high growth of the industry.


When the "twelfth five-year" is about to become a history, "the thirteenth five-year" is coming to us, China's plastic processing industry will present a kind of what kind of development trend?


Plastic industry "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in" change the way of development, not only from the downstream market rapid growth, the demand of flexible external power, at the same time, by emerging Internet information technology triggered a new round of technological revolution and industrial revolution in the world, also fundamentally shook the old industrial base, plastic processing industry market structure and processing system. The production structure and organizational structure within the industry must keep pace with the transformation from traditional manufacturing industry to modern manufacturing industry to survive and develop.


"At present, a new wave of technological revolution and industrial revolution is taking shape," said qian.


The us, for example, has had impressive success in its plans to revive manufacturing. According to the data, in 2013, the proportion of American manufacturing in GDP reached 13.9%, up 2 percentage points from 2009. The contribution of manufacturing to GDP growth increased to 44% in 2013, higher than that of the service sector in the same period. U.S. manufacturing exports rose 49% in 2013 from 2009. Similarly, Germany's "industry 4.0" strategy has also enabled it to take the lead in the third industrial revolution. Intelligent manufacturing with the Internet and Internet of things as the core has greatly enhanced the international competitiveness of traditional manufacturing.


Obviously, the new model of manufacturing industry from developed countries, coupled with the emerging economies' competitive advantages in resources and labor costs, has led to the great adjustment and redistribution of the world's manufacturing pattern, and has also brought great challenges to China's plastic processing industry. The personage inside course of study expresses, according to the standard of Germany, the enterprise of our country plastic processing still has not achieved even 2.0 times, a few enterprises still remain in manual labor phase, some enterprises already arrived 3.0 times, but still be far from real 4.0 times.



In 2015, the Chinese government put forward the made in China 2025 strategy, aiming to follow the development trend of "Internet" and realize the upgrading of manufacturing industry. Action plan with the concept of informatization and industrialization depth fusion, focus on developing a new generation of information technology, high-end CNC machine tools and robotics, aerospace equipment, Marine engineering equipment and high technology, advanced shipping rail transportation equipment, energy saving and new energy vehicles, electric equipment, new materials, biological medicine and medical apparatus and instruments, agricultural high performance


Ten areas of equipment.


Combined with the plastic processing industry, qian guijing believes that it is necessary to vigorously promote the in-depth integration of the two. Realizing digitization, networking and intelligentization is an important task of the plastics processing industry in the "13th five-year plan". In key industries where conditions are favorable, we should promote the construction of digital workshops and intelligent factories, promote the socialization of research and development and design, the intelligence of production and manufacturing, the networking of production organizations and the individualization of products and services, and ensure that they keep pace with the new technological revolution and industrial transformation.


In the future, the sales of high-volume and general-purpose products will be reduced, replaced by personalized, high-end, small-batch and customized products close to the needs of consumers. The number of small enterprises with distinctive characteristics, high technology content and high-end strategy in the plastic processing industry will increase rapidly.


The rise of new processing technology, but also to the plastic processing industry has opened up a new development space. Take 3D printing technology as an example, 3D printing is more suitable for some small-scale manufacturing products, especially high-end customized products with high added value. Especially in the fields of medicine, jewelry industry and mold design, the application of 3D printing will be more and more extensive. "The advantage of this technology is that it is very easy to make complex shapes without increasing the cost. The product can be diversified and integrated without assembly. It has outstanding advantages in personalized service and will be an important supplement to the large-scale production of plastic products." Shenzhen is engaged in 3D printing business technician tells a reporter.

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