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Domestic plastic is still in a tight supply state strong pattern has not changed


Time: 2017-02-17

May 5, plastic futures continued the previous day's decline, the day to maintain a low run, the center of gravity has fallen. The main contract fell by $115 / ton, or 1.12%, to close at $10,165 / ton in 1,509 days, while **** dipped to $10,130 / ton. Among them, the volume decreased by 106,000 to 694,000 and the position increased by 13,000 to 420,000.


"The high adjustment of plastic futures price is due to the high volatility of crude oil price, leading to the weak upward trend of plastic." Analysts said.


Crude oil prices have seen a pullback in the past two sessions. Overnight on May 5, the New York benchmark for June crude was down 22 cents a barrel at $58.93, while the brent benchmark for June crude was down 1 cent at $66.45. Crude oil prices picked up as the press went to press.


Yesterday, the spot market price continued to go higher, petrochemical price will be strong, north China linear mainstream at 10650-10750 yuan/ton, east China linear mainstream at 10700-10800 yuan/ton, south China linear mainstream at 10750-10800 yuan/ton.


"Part of the petrochemical price increase, the market hype atmosphere, most businesses follow up shipping quotation. Downstream demand continued flat, with the main with take, clinch a deal in general. The mainstream market offers: maoming petrochemical company offers 10,750 yuan/ton for 7042, yangzi petrochemical company offers 10,700 yuan/ton for 7042, and qilu petrochemical company offers 10,700 yuan/ton for 7042. Analysts said.


Basically, the analyst introduces, at present agricultural film order follows up finite, stop manufacturer increase. Manufacturers adhere to the procurement of rigid demand, according to the purchase order, with the. At present, PE functional film demand is light, coupled with the high price of raw materials, order follow-up is rare, the number of downtime manufacturers further increase, manufacturers operating rate in 1-3 into.


Plastic film demand continues to turn weak at the same time, the number of maintenance equipment, inventory month-on-month decline. In April, the PE petrochemical plants of daqing, lanzhou, dushanzi, yangzi, pucheng clean energy and Shanghai petrochemical are under maintenance, and the production of China coal is resumed after the prophase maintenance. At present, the maintenance and shutdown plant involves a total capacity of 2.538 million tons. With the equipment inspected before, the total production capacity is 5.353,000 tons, and the lost output is about 234,800 tons, with a month-on-month increase of 103,000 tons. Refinery equipment overhaul more, the reduction of market supply, petrochemical enterprises inventory pressure smaller. In addition to the market volatility in April, traders operating enthusiasm is fair, the terminal as needed to steadily cover the warehouse, petrochemical enterprise inventory showed a downward trend of concussion.


"At present, the domestic plastic supply is still in a tight state, the device operating rate is only about 80%, and the inventory in major cities is 114.18% of the same period last year, so the inventory pressure is low. Spot, due to the inventory pressure is not large, petrochemical manufacturers currently hold a pro-price attitude, traders more parity shipment, trading pressure is not large. Analysts say.


Niuhui believes that although the downstream demand in May will continue to be flat, but there are still some domestic petrochemical plant maintenance, market supply will be affected, the supply and demand fundamentals are expected to continue to maintain stable. In addition, crude oil and monomer prices remain high, under the support of the cost, it is expected that the manufacturers' price intention is still strong. Nevertheless, because demand is cold and cheerless, and high shipment difficulty is bigger, clinch a deal fear hard volume.


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