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The reasons for the chemical industry's performance loss in 2014 varied


Time: 2017-02-17



Net news: in the 145 listed central enterprises have forecast the performance in 2014, the performance of more than 30 expected losses, accounting for 20%, involving industries including machinery, non-ferrous metals, coal, chemical industry, etc., these traditional industries have become a disaster area. Next, let's focus on the status quo of loss-making enterprises in the chemical industry.


In addition to the impact of slowing domestic economic growth, a major reason for many companies' performance losses is overcapacity. As a cyclical industry, the operating status of fertilizer industry is most closely related to the economic growth rate. Under the dual pressure of falling demand and overcapacity, the performance of listed companies in the fertilizer industry has been dismal, especially those in the urea industry. Although they are actively transforming themselves, their losses are still increasing. Take jianfeng chemical as an example, 2014 annual performance forecast, January 1, 2014 solstice on December 31, 2014 is expected to be attributable to the listed company shareholders of net profit loss of 36000.00 million yuan, the basic eps loss of 0.6012 yuan. The main reasons for the loss are the company's main products urea, melamine sales prices fell sharply year-on-year and the year-on-year increase in natural gas prices.


Similar to peb-head urea enterprises, yuntianhua said in explaining the loss that the domestic fertilizer market has not seen a significant improvement, and the average sales price of its main products including diammonium phosphate, monoammonium phosphate, bicalcium and urea has still decreased significantly compared with the previous year. Six countries chemical industry, xinghua shares, huachang chemical, black shares and other enterprises are also affected by this.


Sichuanhua and lutianhua, a pair of "brothers and sisters", continued to lose money last year, with the former losing 650-530m yuan and the latter even more, with a net profit of between 900m-1.2bn yuan. As for the reasons for the loss, sichuanhua said that during the reporting period, the production capacity is insufficient, the market downturn, the increase of financial expenses, impairment of assets and so on. Lutianhua attributed to "natural gas prices, chemical products sales price decline" and other reasons. Although the loss margin of sichuanhua shares has narrowed compared with the previous year, but because of two consecutive years of losses, its future is also facing the implementation of delisting risk warning.


Sichuan meifeng, which also makes chemical fertilizers, also made a loss last year. The performance forecast showed that the net profit was between -260 million yuan and -230 million yuan, compared with the profit of 170 million yuan in the previous year, and the operation in 2014 was not satisfactory. In addition, yangmei chemical, jin lu group also losses.

The reasons for the expected losses of the two companies in the chemical industry sector in 2014 are the industry downturn and overcapacity, which caused the decline in product prices. Among them, the company expects a loss of 305 million yuan in 2014 and a net profit of 10.56 million yuan in 2013.


Huajin stock is more pessimistic, the company is expected in 2014 attributable net profit loss of 1.25 billion yuan to 1.35 billion yuan, due to the company's 2013 net profit loss of 155 million yuan, the exchange in 2014 after the company's annual report disclosure, will implement special treatment of the company's stock delisting risk warning.


In addition, cangzhou dahua announced on January 30 that it is estimated that the attributable net profit in 2014 is about 192,388,800 yuan. The reason for the loss is that the price of urea products is low in the year, and the increase of raw material price increases the cost of urea. In addition, the price of TDI products is much lower than that of the year before.

After the coal industry ended its golden decade in 2013, downstream demand declined and coal market prices continued to decline. Among them, yangmei chemical announced on January 31, according to the preliminary calculation by the financial department, yangmei chemical co., ltd. is expected to make a loss in 2014 business performance, and the net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company is -20 million yuan to -60 million yuan.


In addition, China's caustic soda production capacity reached 40 million tons in 2014, but domestic caustic soda prices are still low. Chlor-alkali chemical said prices of its main products fell in 2014 due to the impact of the slowing macroeconomic growth. And the glyphosate plate, which is eye-catching in previous years, has also started to become rational, and some enterprises have joined the pre-reduction team.

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