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Domestic polyethylene pipe industry brewing adjustment and upgrading


Time: 2017-02-17

Urbanization in China

Plastic pipe

Daoism brings golden opportunities for development. "It will have to be adjusted and upgraded to meet international 50-year service life standards to ensure gas and drinking water safety." China plastics processing industry association plastic pipe special committee secretary-general wang zhanjie said.


China is the world's plastic pipeline production, application of **** country. The annual output reached 10 million tons in 2011, up 19% from 2010. Among them,


(PVC) pipe 50%,




) 30%,




) management accounts for 10%.


Due to the characteristics of excellent and easy to lay characteristics, the amount of plastic pipe applications straight up, in the pipeline market share has exceeded 30%. PE pipe is mainly used for gas, municipal water supply, agricultural irrigation and drainage pipe.


Although the use of plastic pipe has been very wide, but the industry has obvious "pathological".

First, in the past few years, the production capacity has surged forward. There are more than 3,000 domestic plastic pipe manufacturers, most of which are small and medium-sized enterprises with a total output of 20 million tons per year.


Second, the pipeline market is relatively chaotic, some enterprises in the pursuit of profits, the use of low-cost strategy, or even to recycled materials as raw materials, the use of "white and black" backward technology to produce low-end products. The so-called "white plus black", refers to the white material in PE add low carbon black masterbatch directly processed into pipes.


In response to this process, Shanghai chemical building materials association secretary general shao cangwei said: "this often makes carbon black particles are not even distribution, carbon black content is insufficient, and then reduce the strength of the pipe, the pipe pressure resistance, stress cracking performance, health and safety, have serious hidden dangers, less than 50 years of service life. At the same time, the raw materials of this process are easy to adulterate, which brings great difficulty to the law enforcement of the industrial and commercial administrative departments.


Third, the market share of high-quality products is relatively low. There are fewer pipeline products that are truly produced with mixed ingredients, and even the gas industry is unwilling to purchase domestic gas pipes produced with mixed ingredients, but choose and buy imported products at a higher price.


Wang zhanjie introduced, in the next few years, China's plastic pipe production will maintain a 10% growth rate, to 2015 the total national production will exceed 13.2 million tons, plastic pipe market share in the country more than 50%. "In order to promote the healthy growth of the industry, relevant government departments, associations and enterprises such as the ministry of industry and commerce and the quality inspection bureau should closely cooperate with each other and work together to carry out the 'combined punch' of industrial adjustment and upgrading."


Upstream raw material enterprises should take the initiative to cooperate with pipeline manufacturers, as well as end users such as gas companies and municipal companies in the city to provide technical solutions. Sun xuhui, manager of Shanghai petrochemical plastics department, said that Shanghai petrochemical is the first domestic introduction of northern Europe


YGH041T black pipe material passed the international certification of PE100 grade of Swedish national testing and verification institute in 2005. The company is learning from the practices of multinational companies and providing excellent service and technical support for customers and their customers.


In order to ensure the safety of the industry, five gas companies in the gas industry have led the establishment of the "G5+" organization, which insists on purchasing PE pipes of famous brands with high standards. In this regard, wang zhanjie believes that the pipeline industry should do a good job with the work, the current sinopec, petrochina and other PE raw material enterprises, as well as the leading enterprises in the plastic pipeline industry, is fully capable of producing the international level of PE pressure pipe.


Shijiazhuang yuying new material technology co. LTD/

Changchun yinghan new material technology co. LTD

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