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2004: opportunities and challenges for the plastics industry


Time: 2017-02-17

As one of the basic materials for modern social and economic development, plastic is an indispensable material for agriculture, industry, energy, transportation, information industry and other fields of national economy. Over the past year, plastic has played an extremely important role in both the shenzhou v launch and flood fighting and rescue operations. But in this New Year, along with the reform further thorough and our country tariff policy adjustment, the plastics industry will still face the opportunity and the challenge coexists, the difficulty and the hope simultaneously the development new aspect. In the New Year, with the national revitalization of the northeast, accelerate the implementation of the western development strategy, China's plastic industry will usher in many new opportunities. Overall prosperity of the rural economy, accelerate the pace of agricultural development, agricultural plastic, especially agricultural film and irrigation, irrigation and other plastic water-saving equipment demand will be greatly increased; Accelerate the process of rural urbanization, actively promote the development of the west, cities and towns in the construction, all need a lot of supporting plastic products; In the downstream transportation project of west-to-east gas transmission and south-to-north water transfer, plastic pipes, plastic profiles and other plastic building materials are in great demand. In the development of automobile industry, electronics industry, home appliance industry and other aspects, the need for more and more plastic parts, for the development of engineering plastics to open up a lot of space. Therefore, in a long period of time in the future, China will undoubtedly become the world's demand for plastic raw materials, plastic processing technology and equipment, plastic products. At the same time, China's plastic products also enter the international market in large quantities, the export volume is increasing year by year, and far more than the import. However, at present, there are still few products with high added value and high-tech content in export products, and many enterprises lack international customary operation mode and transnational operation development strategy. With the adjustment and reform of China's gatt policy this year, we are required to further accelerate the pace of plastic enterprises to the world, adjust the product organization, improve the quality and grade of products, provide additional value of products, and gradually realize the output of products to the output of technology, in order to further expand the market. The rapid development of the plastics industry has made the industry more intensive, but the intensity is not very high. The industry has not yet formed only a few enterprise groups in the domestic market as a whole competitive situation. But there are regional monopolies. According to plastic "15" program, arrive 2005, plastic product output is 25 million tons, predict in next a few years, dominant enterprise group can enlarge market share ceaselessly, continue to maintain the position that leads in the industry, the market also can eliminate a large number of backward enterprises. With the rapid development of the whole industry, any enterprise must follow the law of market development, stay in peace and think of danger, constantly enhance the comprehensive strength of the enterprise, adjust the industrial structure, and actively participate in the domestic and foreign market competition.

Shijiazhuang yuying new material technology co. LTD/

Changchun yinghan new material technology co. LTD

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