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Modified flame retardants have broad market prospects


The flame retardants in developed countries in Europe and America have been used for a long time, and the application of flame retardants has been very common. With the enhancement of people's awareness of environmental protection, safety and health, the development direction of these mature market of flame retardants in recent years has gradually turned to the development of new environmental friendly flame retardants represented by "no bromide". Various new flame retardants products are constantly coming out.

In China, although the output of flame retardants in 2008 was between 180,000 tons and 220,000 tons, most of these flame retardants were exported directly or indirectly to foreign countries after preliminary processing, and were seldom used in China. Taking plastics as an example, around 2012, about 10% of plastics in the world were added with flame retardants, and the proportion of flame retardant plastics in plastics products in former China was only about 2%, which was lower than the world average level and lower than that in developed countries and regions such as Europe and the United States. The main reason was that the domestic flame retardant requirements for materials had not yet been enforced.

Flame retardant compounding technology refers to the compounding of phosphorus, halogen, nitrogen and inorganic flame retardants, or within a certain type of flame retardant. In practical application of flame retardants, a single flame retardant often has some shortcomings, which make it difficult to meet people's higher and higher requirements. Therefore, through the flame retardant compounding technology, two or more flame retardants can be synthesized and their strengths can be complemented, and the synergistic effect of flame retardants can be exerted to reduce the amount of flame retardants and enhance the flame retardant effect.

Therefore, the development potential of flame retardants in the domestic market is still huge. With the further improvement and implementation of laws and regulations on fire prevention and flame retardant in China and other emerging markets, the application area and demand scale of flame retardants will be further expanded.

Shijiazhuang yuying new material technology co. LTD/

Changchun yinghan new material technology co. LTD

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