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Internet plus may bring disruption and remodeling to the plastics industry


Time: 2013-05-06

In recent years, with the Internet, cloud computing, Internet of things, big data and mobile Internet coming one after another, the Internet has changed and even subverted our lives. Coupled with the


In the government work report of 2015, the premier further instructed entrepreneurship and innovation, and mentioned the power of "Internet" many times to further deepen the reform. All this has contributed to the Internet's popularity in the plastics industry.




The Internet


Or for the plastic industry to bring disruption and reshape




"The Internet


"" the concept of the Internet is far larger than that of traditional industries



Domestic "Internet"


"" it was ma huateng who first proposed the idea, which can be traced back to the earliest time




Three horses on the moon


******, ma huateng and ma yun


Speech at the opening ceremony of zhongan insurance. Ma huateng put forward: Internet plus a traditional industry, what does it mean


In fact, it represents a kind of ability, or an external resource and environment, to promote the industry. "Internet" is the traditional industry of the Internet, which is the current most people's interpretation of this concept, or the concept of "Internet" is far greater than the concept of the traditional industry of the Internet.









Xiaomi chairman lei jun and gree chairman dong mingzhu bet at the awards ceremony of the 14th China economic person of the year on Tuesday that xiaomi's turnover will surpass gree's in five years, and the loser will give the other party one billion yuan. The bet between xiaomi and gree, on the surface, is the anger of lei jun and dong mingzhu. Its essence is the contest between Internet enterprises and traditional enterprises. To some extent, it also reflects the impact of the Internet on traditional enterprises.




"The Internet


"In the traditional plastics industry is in the hot talk, but no implementation stage



From the status quo, "the Internet


"In the initial stage, is a hot but not implemented theoretical stage. Each area is targeted at "the Internet.


"Will do some demonstration and exploration, but most enterprises will still be in the wait-and-see stage. From the exploration and practice level, the Internet business is better than traditional enterprise initiative, after all these businesses from the beginning with the birth of "Internet" to change more, they have enough experience, you can copy to explore other areas of the reform experience of the model, and then more areas constantly fusion, continue to expand their ecology.



The Internet


It's very traditional industries that are really hard to reinvent, but that doesn't mean traditional plastics companies aren't trying to go online. Many traditional household enterprises in the past few years started to try the Internet marketing, more offline plastic products enterprise still stay on phase of information promotion and publicity, even not, dare not or can't try to trade network marketing, because they can't find the right solution to offline channels and online channel conflict issues. Still a few businessman build oneself mall, but success is not too much. But there are also some self-created brands, and enterprises that sell and operate through e-commerce platforms have found their way to e-commerce. But self-created brands, through the e-commerce platform sales of plastic products business has found a way to e-commerce.



It can be said that each social and commercial stage has a normal and development trend, "Internet" proposed before the normal is ten million plastic enterprises need to upgrade the background, the development trend behind is a large number of "Internet" mode of the outbreak and traditional plastic products enterprises "break and stand".

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