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Eu plastic products regulations to upgrade the import enterprises face new challenges


Time: 2017-02-17

Recently, the European commission formally issued the regulation on plastic products in food contact (EU)2015/174. The new regulation again revised the current EU regulation on plastic products (EU No 10/2011) and will take effect in February 2016. It is learned that the eu has been continuously upgrading the technical trade regulations on food contact materials in recent years, which will have a long-term impact on our export enterprises. Plastic products that do not meet the requirements of the new regulations will not be able to enter the eu market. Export enterprises should establish a quality assurance system focusing on "raw and auxiliary materials procurement management -- injection molding risk control -- factory safety and health control", so as to meet the new standards.


New eu rules have been updated repeatedly


In 2011, the European Union (EU) issued and implemented the regulation on plastic materials and products for food contact (EU)No 10/2011, and made detailed provisions on the list of raw materials and testing methods for plastic products entering the EU market. Since then, the EU has frequently updated the regulation, up to now, it has carried out a total of seven regulatory upgrades. For example, in 2011, the EU issued targeted restriction regulations (EU No 284/2011) on the export of melamine and nylon plastic products to the EU from China and Hong Kong, which seriously hindered the export of related products in China. The EU regulation 2015/174 amended by *** requires the production of plastic products

The raw material

Or additives tartaric acid, phenol and other more than 10 substances put forward a series of new restrictions, will have a greater impact on export enterprises. In addition, the European Union (EU)No 202/2011 regulation, which was issued on March 24, 2014, will be implemented on March 25, 2015

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