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In the Internet era, enterprise management faces the challenge of "cloud"


Time: 2017-02-17

At the 4th "China management? Global BBS "on, cheng siwei, vice-chairman of the ninth and tenth National People's Congress, China's chief negotiator of China's accession to wto, China, long yongtu, chairman of the BBS management world, chairman of the Chinese academy of engineering, the Internet society of China WuHeQuan, kingdee international software group, chairman of the board and CEO xu shaochun, founding partner of IDG capital chief Hugo shong gathered and other experts and scholars and entrepreneurs, to explore the management of the Internet age change. The guests think that the Internet is a double-edged sword for management, because it brings the rapid iteration, basically there is no a set of complete can abide by the rules, however, this also to explore the Chinese characteristic management model provides an unprecedented opportunity to the booming Chinese economy makes Chinese entrepreneurs may be on the management mode of innovation, achievement management the golden age of China.

- shenzhen special zone newspaper reporter wang xiaoqing


Connect the "cloud" into a new path of transformation

On this BBS, "connect the cloud" as keywords, xu shaochun said in the speech, the enterprise must build internal and external and Internet connectivity, activate the organization, culture and creativity, form a new economic potential, connection can create with end customers, suppliers, partners, employees, and zero distance communication, can create rich value-added services, to create new profit model.

Experts point out that in the future, enterprises should pay more attention to connecting internal and external links, from B2B to B2B2C, rather than the size of the enterprise, to achieve the transformation of mobile Internet. On cloud platforms, connectivity makes sharing data more important than analyzing it in isolation. In this era of subversion and reconstruction, connecting the "cloud" and making the innovation of China's management mode become the "new normal" of enterprises is the secret of an enterprise's eternal vitality.


For global BBS, from exploration to breakthrough, from the path of transformation to connecting "cloud", witnessed the firm pace of Chinese enterprises' transformation. From Internet thinking to Internet habits, from consumer Internet to enterprise Internet transformation, Internet is no longer exclusive to Internet enterprises. Cheng siwei pointed out that the emergence of the mobile Internet will have a profound impact on management methods, management practices, management philosophy and greatly promote the role.


Now, new economic forms, business models and management concepts are emerging in an endless stream. The surging Internet tide gives back to every ordinary person the initiative and equal opportunity of innovation and creation. Long yongtu believes that the core of the Internet is connected the mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data and the enterprise, the enterprise internal each and every one of the "cloud", connecting enterprises and merchants and customers, the connection is creating new management mode and a new management thought, for the exploration of management pattern with Chinese characteristics provides an unprecedented opportunity to give a taste of China's management.

A new era of online and offline integration.


With the rapid development of information technology, mobile Internet, cloud computing, Internet of things and other third-party logistics and big data have rapidly changed the landscape of macro economy and micro economy. Many experts believe that the emergence of the mobile Internet will have a profound impact on management methods, management practices, management philosophy and greatly promote the role.


Cheng siwei said that there must be two points of understanding for the technological revolution: first, the technological revolution must be launched under the guidance of innovation, and innovation is to introduce new things to create beneficial changes; The second is that the technological revolution is always imperfect at the beginning, but we must be full of enthusiasm to support, because the technological revolution will eventually enter all walks of life, into every household, into every person's life, and ultimately bring benefits to all mankind. "Now many enterprises are exploring a variety of models, not to say that every model will be successful, but we firmly believe that some immature model through continuous improvement, eventually it will mature, and eventually it will bring greater benefits to consumers. He said.


China's two richest men, jack ma and wang jianlin, had previously bet on e-commerce. For this "bet", cheng siwei's judgment is no winner. The combination of online and offline services will be an important trend, he said, adding that although e-commerce is growing rapidly, it cannot meet all customers' real needs for product experience. The reality experience that an individual needs can only be experienced online, and shopping is a leisure way for certain groups. He believes that the whole virtual business including the virtualization of the real economy and other aspects still have a lot of work to explore, the whole process of the real economy needs to be connected to the "cloud", the final result is to be able to achieve integrated overall optimization, bring more benefits and better services to customers.


Industrial Internet is the next blue ocean


Chinese enterprises and the Internet "hand in hand", from the exploration, to break through, from the transformation of the road to "connected to the cloud", this process also witnessed the firm pace of Chinese enterprises transformation. From Internet thinking to Internet habits, from consumer Internet to enterprise Internet transformation, Internet is no longer exclusive to Internet enterprises.


WuHeQuan pointed out that the development of the Internet from professional Internet to the mobile Internet, the next generation of broadband, mobile Internet will follow to development, from centered on computers as the main technology of the Internet age, development to the present to serve as the center, the center of the cloud as the main cloud computing era, have to enter a value to the user as the center, as soon as possible with data mining as the main core of the era of big data. If the Internet is consumer-oriented in the former stage, the development of the Internet in the latter stage should be industry-oriented.


Wu hequan believes that to achieve strategic transformation in the new era, enterprises must normalize "self-revolution". With the advent of informatization, many manufacturing companies have transformed themselves. IBM became a manufacturing services company; HP, the former *** computer manufacturing company, missed the important transition period of information technology. In recent years, it spent tens of billions of dollars to acquire enterprises of mobile Internet and big data, hoping to transform itself into a provider of big data solutions. "The combination of big data with mobile Internet, Internet and cloud computing will set off a new wave of Internet. The combination with biotechnology, energy technology and advanced energy technology will usher in the era of industrial Internet."


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