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Environmental protection industry to welcome the golden decade followed the policy excavation


Time: 2017-02-17

China is in the two-rising channel between the environmental protection investment curve and the EKC curve. The policy continues to increase, the governance field and investment demand continue to expand, and the development of the environmental protection industry is in the golden period. In the next decade, the boom will continue to be high, and investment opportunities will emerge in emerging segments. Because of the environmental protection industry has strong policy dependence, we believe that the environmental protection industry investment shall, first of all, starting from the policy requirements, at the same time, combining with the market capacity, industry life cycle stages and so on the condition of a comprehensive consideration, priority policy goal clear, the market space is large, in speed up industry segment, thereby further looking for niche industry leading enterprises as investment targets. It is suggested to seek opportunities from the three main lines of air treatment, water treatment and solid waste treatment.


Policy to promote the environmental protection industry into a golden period


China's environmental protection industry has little relevance to the macro-economy, and its development is still mainly guided by policies. The environmental protection industry is a weakly cyclical industry, which has little correlation with the macro-economy and will not change with the cyclical rise and fall of the macro-economy. However, it is closely related to the national industrial policy. At present, the development of China's environmental protection industry still has a strong policy dependence, and policy is the main driving factor for the development of environmental protection industry. Therefore, policies should be followed to better grasp the development trend of the environmental protection industry and to explore potential investment opportunities.


At present, the environmental protection policy strength does not reduce. The report of the 18th national congress of the communist party of China (CPC) pointed out that ecological progress should be given a prominent position and integrated into all aspects and the whole process of economic, political, cultural and social development in an effort to build a beautiful China and realize the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. Putting ecological civilization construction in a prominent position will further enhance the whole society's attention to resource conservation and environmental protection, and the vision of building a beautiful China will provide continuous power support for the sustainable development and growth of China's environmental protection industry. Surrounding the construction of ecological civilization, to build beautiful China, countries in the eighteenth big before and after intensive issued a series of environmental policies and measures to comprehensively promote environmental governance, to support the environmental protection industry wide range and intensity of an unprecedented, and expected years will also be a series of important policies, including the water pollution prevention plan of action, the soil environmental protection and pollution control plan of action, on the government to buy environment in the guidance of public services, such as "environmental pollution to a third party", this aspect is pointed out the development direction and focus of the environmental protection industry, on the other hand also provides a strong impetus for the environmental protection industry, Industry development into the golden period.


At the same time, China is in the double-rise channel between the environmental protection input curve and the kuznets curve, with a high incidence of pollution incidents, and the environmental situation is still very serious, which deviates from the vision of building a beautiful China proposed at the 18th national congress of the communist party of China, and environmental pollution control is extremely urgent. During the 12th five-year plan period, policies were introduced intensively, the field of governance was rapidly expanded, the demand was gradually deepened, and the investment in environmental protection was continuously increased. It is estimated that the investment reached 3.4 trillion yuan, and the development of environmental protection industry entered a golden period.



Niche areas are ripe for big opportunities


From the perspective of the evolution and the orientation of policy, on the one hand, through business model innovation (such as environmental pollution to a third party, the government purchase of public services, government and social capital cooperation PPP mode, etc.), implementing emission trading system, such as environmental tax, etc., will further activate the pollution control market, promote the development of environmental protection industry; On the other hand, bringing more fields into the scope of key governance or improving pollutant emission standards and implementing strict supervision will bring significant development opportunities for these segmented industries.


First of all, the in-depth progress of atmospheric governance, non-electricity market ushered in a major development. The smog dilemma has led to the continuous increase of policies. For the first time, nitrogen oxides have been included in the binding targets of major pollutants in the 12th five-year plan for the environment. With the release of the "ten atmospheric articles" and the subsequent introduction of relevant supporting policies, comprehensive progress was made in air pollution control. The flue gas treatment market of electric power industry is growing explosively and becoming mature gradually. Driven by the relevant electricity price subsidy policies, the franchise operation market of thermal power flue gas treatment is developing rapidly. It is estimated that the potential market size will exceed 120 billion yuan annually in the next two years. With the formal implementation of relevant new emission standards, the non-electricity industry such as steel, cement and other flue gas treatment market quickly opened, and showed a rapid momentum of development. We are optimistic about thermal power flue gas treatment operations, steel industry denitrification and other segments of the industry.


Secondly, the "water ten" gradually approach, good policy will promote the water treatment industry high prosperity. Water pollution incidents, water shortage, drinking water safety and other issues continue to attract attention, water pollution control policies are expected to increase again. The plan, which is expected to be released within this year, is expected to invest 2 trillion yuan to prevent and control water pollution. Once the policy is implemented, the water treatment market may usher in explosive growth. We are optimistic about the renewable water, sludge disposal and industrial wastewater treatment and other segments.


Thirdly, the solid waste management market has great potential, and the policies help accelerate the development of the industry. Compared with other sub-industries in the field of environmental protection, the development of solid waste treatment industry is relatively lagging behind, so it has a greater potential for future development. During the "twelfth five-year plan" period, policy support for solid waste treatment has been continuously strengthened, industry investment has continued to heat up, and subdivided fields have been brilliant. Waste incineration, power generation, hazardous waste disposal, and electronic waste disassembly have entered the fast track of development. Incineration power generation, due to its prominent advantages in garbage harmless, resource utilization and reduction, is becoming a choice for more and more cities to dispose of garbage, with huge potential for development. The judicial interpretation of the "two high levels" and the implementation of the new environmental protection law have been issued, and the enforcement, supervision and punishment for violations of laws have been strengthened to promote the rapid development of the hazardous waste disposal industry. Supported by the subsidy policy, the development of e-waste dismantling industry enters a fast lane. We are optimistic about waste incineration, hazardous waste treatment, electronic waste dismantling and other high-growth segments.

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