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Automotive interior and exterior trim market potential of large automotive plastic use efforts to climb


Time: 2017-05-04

Chem366 -- in recent years, with the rapid development of the plastics industry, the physical properties of related functional plastics are improved, and the strength and reliability of its products are also improved. A large number of high-strength plastic parts are used in the automobile manufacturing industry to replace some metal parts, so as to achieve the goal of light weight and energy-saving emission reduction. The large-scale application of plastics in automobiles is the result of the continuous progress of chemical industry and the improvement of energy saving and safety level of automobiles. Industry statistics show that the market size of China's automotive plastic interior and exterior trim industry was 434.23 billion yuan in 2011, and increased to 611.765 billion yuan in 2016.


Research on the application of plastics in automobiles began in the 1950s. In the mid-1960s, a small number of plastic parts have been commercially produced, but they are mainly used as interior trim to meet passengers' safety and comfort requirements. In the 1970s, affected by two oil crises, weight reduction and energy saving became the main trend in the automobile manufacturing industry. Automotive plastic parts, especially the outfitting parts have been developed, the amount of plastic parts has accounted for automobile weight of 2%-3%. After that, as people pay more attention to the automobile lightweight and its safety performance, and put forward the requirements of diversification, personalization, high performance, low cost and long life, the development of functional parts also began to receive attention. By the early 1990s, plastic parts accounted for 7 to 10 percent of the weight of a car.




Comparative analysis of domestic and foreign business models


In developed countries such as Europe, the United States and Japan, after more than 100 years of development, the automobile industry has formed a market pattern in which several automobile giants occupy a large share. In this situation, automotive interior and exterior trim suppliers mainly adopt professional business model, focusing on the bulk supply of a certain type of products for automotive giants, in their respective fields of deep cultivation, forming deep technical precipitation and core competitiveness.


In China, the business model of plastic interior and exterior trim industry is represented by "precision and integrity", which is closely related to the current situation of domestic automobile market. In order to adapt to the market pattern of small batch and multiple models, the main internal and external trim suppliers must choose to meet the supporting requirements of the complete vehicle manufacturers in an all-round way to expand the business scale. Therefore, China's plastic interior and exterior trim manufacturers generally have a variety of interior and exterior trim manufacturing process capacity, can produce different performance characteristics of automotive interior and exterior trim, in order to occupy a large share in the industrial chain, and to provide a variety of product options to the vehicle factory at the same time to improve the development and supporting capacity.




Market size and market pattern analysis


Auto plastic inside and outside decoration industry dependence of the auto industry is quite large, with the rapid growth of China's auto market in recent years and the increase of car ownership, the market demand for car inside and outside decoration product is increasing day by day, at present our country auto plastic inside and outside decoration market demand are benign rise, domestic auto plastic inside and outside decoration enterprise basic meet the needs of domestic auto accessories and after-sale market. According to the data released by China market research network, the market size of China's automotive plastic interior and exterior trim industry was 434.23 billion yuan in 2011, and increased to 611.765 billion yuan in 2016.




Data source: China market research network survey


Similar to the overall characteristics of the auto parts industry, foreign-funded/joint-venture enterprises in the automotive plastic interior and exterior trim industry have obvious advantages. They mainly produce high-end automotive plastic interior and exterior trim products, which are superior to domestic products in terms of quality and performance by virtue of their high technical level and perfect quality control system. However, with the continuous improvement of technology and management level and product upgrading of domestic automotive plastic interior and exterior trim enterprises, the domestic domestic automotive plastic interior and exterior trim enterprises' market share will become larger and larger, and the existing market competition pattern will be gradually reversed.




Future development trend analysis




As an important part of auto parts industry, automotive plastic interior and exterior trim industry is consistent with the development trend of auto parts industry. With the proportion of automotive plastics in the whole car gradually increased, and people on the automotive safety, environmental protection and other requirements of the improvement, automotive plastic interior and exterior trim industry in the future focus on the development direction of one hand is the development of structural parts, external parts used for reinforced plastics, engineering plastics, high-performance composite materials; On the other hand, it is to maintain a balance between low cost and high quality through modularized supply, specialized production and improved technical content. At the same time, more attention should be paid to the recyclability and degradability of materials.


According to industry analysts of China market research network, as a result of automobile lightweight, plastic is widely used as raw material in the field of auto parts, and plastic parts can be seen everywhere from the internal parts to the external parts and structural parts. With the acceleration of automobile lightweight process, the application of plastics in automobile will be more extensive, the market scale of China's automobile plastic and interior trim industry will be further expanded, and the future development prospect will be better.

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