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Graphene was listed as a major project in the material field during the 13th five-year plan period


Time: 2017-06-05

Recently, the ministry of science and technology of the People's Republic of China issued the 13th five-year special plan for scientific and technological innovation in the field of materials, and graphene was listed as a major special project in the field of materials in the 13th five-year plan.


, ministry of science and technology ministry of science and technology has established the special planning of scientific and technological innovation, "" much starker choices-and graver consequences-in" materials, is in order to further implement the "" much starker choices-and graver consequences-in" national science and technology innovation plan ", "2025" made in China, such as planning, propel the development of the material field in our country science and technology innovation and industrialization, clear "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in" materials science and technology innovation in the field of goal, task arrangement and the key direction, the specification and guidance in the next five years national materials science and technology development.


In addition, the ministry of science and technology asked companies to focus on graphene, magneto-electronic materials, printed electronic materials, functional crystals and laser technology.


Promote the formation of growth points of strategic emerging industries, and effectively promote the development of material industry with broad market prospect, low resource consumption, large driving coefficient, more employment opportunities and good comprehensive benefits.


The plan also indicates priorities. Among them, in the regulations of nanomaterials and devices, it is emphasized to vigorously develop graphene carbon material technology.


Single thin layer graphene powder, high-quality large-area graphene thin film industrial preparation technology, large-area flexible electronic device preparation technology, highly efficient dispersion, composite and application technology of graphene powder, high-catalytic activity nano-carbon based materials and application technology.

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