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Development Trend of Flame Retardant Masterbatch in Flame Retardant Materials under the Sky


With the rapid development of China's economy, the amount of plastics and rubber and other macromolecule materials has increased rapidly. Plastic rubber products, mainly polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, nylon and ABS, PET, PBT, EVA, PVC and various rubber, are widely used in civil, military, construction, power and transportation industries. However, most of these plastics have the characteristics of low oxygen index and easy to burn in the air, so it is difficult to apply them to industries with special requirements for fire prevention without effective measures. In order to realize its application, adding flame retardant is a convenient, simple, reliable and easy method. Now flame retardant has become one of the important additives in plastics processing. In terms of output and quantity, it has become the second only flame retardant after plasticizer. According to the existing state of flame retardant, it can be divided into solid powder and liquid flowing water, of which solid powder accounts for more than 95%.

In 2013, the consumption of flame retardants in China exceeded 1.2 million tons, and increased by 10-15% annually. With the increasing use of flame retardants, the problems of flame retardants are also highlighted. First, environmental protection, second is the problem of flame retardant efficiency, and then the problem of labor force. At present, there are still many problems in the use of flame retardants in enterprises in China, such as simple equipment, serious running, serious emission and so on. Dust flying is especially prominent. Some people have done statistics, every ton of flame retardant in the use process, through ingredients, mixing, feeding processing and other processes, at least 2% of the loss of flame retardant, that is to say, at least 22,000 tons of flame retardant white helpless emissions fly into the air and workplace every year, polluting other products and even the atmospheric environment.

The flame-retardant masterbatch can solve all the above problems, not only will not produce dust flying, but also can make the flame retardant disperse more evenly in the material, improve the flame retardant efficiency; it can also automatically absorb the material to realize the unmanned operation.

Flame-retardant masterbatch, also known as flame-retardant masterbatch, fire-retardant masterbatch, is a form of flame retardant with higher requirements, more specific and more efficient with the deepening of the plastic flame-retardant industry, the increasing awareness of environmental protection and product quality requirements. Flame-retardant masterbatches can be divided into two categories: functional flame-retardant masterbatches and functional flame-retardant masterbatches. Functional flame-retardant masterbatch mainly embodies the rationality and scientific application of the formula of flame-retardant masterbatch. It can not only complete the flame-retardant property of materials, but also realize that all kinds of mechanical properties of materials are not reduced. It embodies the deep understanding of flame-retardant plastic properties and deep practical knowledge of application by flame-retardant masterbatch manufacturer. It is mainly applicable to injection moulding, extrusion profiles products and so on. Use flame retardant powder equipment and products to reduce costs. Efficient flame retardant masterbatch mainly embodies that the higher the concentration of effective flame retardant, the better. It relies on advanced equipment and reasonable choice of flame retardant and carrier. It is mainly suitable for single-screw and twin-screw pelletizing enterprises such as modified engineering plastics and cable materials to increase production and reduce costs.

Relative to flame retardant, flame retardant masterbatch has the following characteristics:

Flame Retardant Efficiency: Flame Retardant Masterbatch is based on a reasonable formula, through the organic combination of flame retardant, synergist, dispersant and carrier, after mixing and mixing evenly, extrusion granulation, its dispersion is good, and after mixing with plastics, each flame retardant molecule can play a flame retardant effect, with the same formula of flame retardant powder, flame retardant efficiency is improved. More than 10%, and the flame retardant powder can not be uniformly mixed with plastic particles, the flame retardant properties of products are inconsistent, requiring secondary mixing in the later stage to increase the workload.

Easy to use, environmentally friendly and dust-free: Flame-retardant masterbatches are mostly spherical or cylindrical particles, the size of which is just the same as the general plastic particles, making it easier to weigh and add, and can realize automatic suction or electronic weighing feeding, dust-free throughout, clean, sanitary, reduce volatilization waste, improve the working environment, improve work efficiency, easy to use.

Good compatibility with resins: Reasonable flame retardant masterbatches are specially designed according to the different plastics resins they will be added in the future. They are specially treated to solve the compatibility with resins, so that the addition of masterbatches in resins will not produce stratification, frosting, white dots and other problems even if they are large.

Cost reduction and product added value: Due to the continuous progress of technology and equipment, the function and performance of flame retardant masterbatch are constantly improved. In many ways, products that meet all performance requirements can be produced by direct mixing with materials, which greatly reduces product cost, improves product added value, and greatly saves labor costs. Nowadays, labor is difficult and labor cost is increasing. How to reduce labor, realize continuous production and improve enterprise efficiency has become another important issue that enterprises have to face in the process of development.

Shijiazhuang yuying new material technology co. LTD/

Changchun yinghan new material technology co. LTD

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